A surprise drops into my heart.
It springs loose from the whole body of light,
arriving in brisk steps, leaping into me
like a steeple horse lunging over a wooden hurdle.

Is this feeling here to condemn me or console me?
Is this a mysterious, invisible storm?
Both of these are implausible. Both are unforgettable.

Although I do not understand what is happening,
churning inside me, I know the intrusion is intentional.
I’m supposed to awaken. My soul is to trust this feeling,
and not interpret it. Let go, let go. I hear the unspoken.

The feeling ripples like a heron intersecting moonlight.
Let go, let go. It echoes wing-break. My life means less
without this immense stirring inside me. Let go, let go.

My soul is a lifeboat. I toss over whatever is not needed.
I cannot question. I would not receive answers
or instructions, but I will know the lightness
in my searching heart. I will know weathering the storm.

Let go. I recognize the segments of emptiness.
It is the same as a horse trotting to a stable,
being groomed down, muscles unknotting tension.

I have no words for this feeling plopping into me
like a stone dropped into stilled waters. All I know is
the hand releasing, the stone drifting slow-motion,
breaking the surface, finding bottom: my letting-go.