Open an office in downtown, 
even if no one wants to rent to you.
Learn to speak Spanish so well your clients say
You have a Mexican accent.
Learn to speak English so well
Your enemies are confused.
Do not be afraid to speak in public
Gather a crowd
Bring in the Justice Department
Attack the national meat-packing industry
Speak at The National Council of La Raza
At the local Ruritan
At the Catholic church where you suffer panic attacks
Ignore death threats from the chief of police
Join a black-brown coalition
Stop smoking-start smoking-stop-start 
Take a sabbatical and change the pace of your life
Then return to the work you know is yours
start smoking again
Reach out to the Catholic church
Allow every living thing to open your heart
And sing with delight-insect, plant, animal
Make a little garden. 
When the Devil whispers in your ear:
You’re not strong enough to withstand the storm
Take a breath and whisper back:
I am the storm.