Category: Personal Journeys

LIving In the Past

Regarding reincarnation, some people believe a soul can float in astral form for up to six months after death. The soul in question has six months to plan their next life. Six months to hang around limbo, or maybe that’s heaven. Six months to pick a body, to figure out who they’re going to be, and where they’ll reside. Six months to decide what lessons they’ll learn in this lifetime.

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The Father’s Voice?

A larger-than-sometimes-manageable measure of uncertainty about “God’s Voice” crept in, making it nearly impossible for me to think and say what I so easily used to think and say about how clearly one can discern God’s Will.

Life got complicated. My church was sounding more and more dogmatic, exclusive, as I was becoming more and more open, inclusive.

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Zones of Acadia (or Barnacles Abroad)

When my son was in pre-school, his teacher called me, concerned. Apparently, he wasn’t talking. He talked at home just fine, within our boisterous household, but at school he was silent. As weeks passed, he made a few friends to whom he’d whisper. Testing diagnosed him with selective mutism. Over the years, his communication circle widened. He could respond to teachers. He’d speak to more classmates. But his words truly flowed only in certain settings—in friends’ homes, within small groups at school, in the family car, outside in nature. If approached in public, he might freeze. But in the woods or along a mountain stream, he’d joke and laugh, have deep conversations. His interchange would extend toward other species, too. At a marsh’s edge, he’d rival spring peepers; near a grove of cypress, he’d converse with the birds.

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The Braided Way

The Braided Way is a framework to see every faith tradition as a strand, braided into a larger whole of spiritual awareness. In the Braided Way, combining spiritual practice from various faiths allow us to explore sacred experience and wonder in forms that resonate with our personal spiritual needs and sacred intuitions. In today’s culture, many people shun religious dogma, but yearn for spiritual connection. The Braided Way allows the ceremonies and practices of multiple faiths to be available without the confinements of cultural dogma.

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