Author: John Backman

How to Help Your God Make Friends

Seat your god gently in a sandbox
with her favorite toys. Step back.
Let her look around, get acclimated.

When you know she’s ready, ask your friend
to place his god several feet away
and see what happens next. Don’t fuss

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We have to broach the wordless, though, so we can share it. With November, I can pull you by the hand and say, “Come see.” The wordless is invisible, so I must tell you. This may explain my longtime religion, its libraries of eloquent prayers and liturgies. For me, they are foliage: dazzling me with beauty, confusing me with clutter.

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The Braided Way

The Braided Way is a framework to see every faith tradition as a strand, braided into a larger whole of spiritual awareness. In the Braided Way, combining spiritual practice from various faiths allow us to explore sacred experience and wonder in forms that resonate with our personal spiritual needs and sacred intuitions. In today’s culture, many people shun religious dogma, but yearn for spiritual connection. The Braided Way allows the ceremonies and practices of multiple faiths to be available without the confinements of cultural dogma.

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