She meant for her text to request
“a little letter,” but the phone’s
mistaken wording spurred
thinking about little corners
in closets, pantries, cabinets,
often unseen or overlooked.
See here, this poem hopes to tug
the corner of your mouth
by pointing out, if you stop
to notice, things are not little
or simple — coffee with a friend,
fog in a garden, silence
around you like a soft blanket.
Gratitude makes all the difference.
Little Corners of Thank You

ThankYouThankYouThankYou Andrew T-T. Such a perfect point of view
Your shared congregations are very VERY fortunate
I have read this several times and must save it! Lovely! “Little Corners” took my thoughts to a collection of hand carved animals I own called Artesania Rinconada,.. rinconada means interior corner or nook. You definitely tugged the corner of my mouth, Michael.
Oh, make that Andrew, not Michael!