Journey Inward, Journey Outward: Self Care and Awakening.
The 2019 Teach-In events are designed to assist in grounding our compassion and service to others by cultivating spiritual self care. Before we can activate our spiritual purposes, we must first feed our spiritual cores. In the three teach ins, learn to avoid compassion fatigue, empower your body with spiritual energy and move from surviving to thriving and awakening. Join us for one, two or all three of our teach ins.

At the Olin-Hitt home:
214 Storer Ave
Akron, OH 44302
September 8, 2019 from 2:00 to 5:00.
“Chill ’n Refill: Avoid becoming an empty cup” with Jane Ehrman
In this session, learn to avoid “compassion fatigue” and burn out. Often, we feel a spiritual call to works of service in which we put aside our self needs for the needs of others. However, if we are not mindful about our own needs, we can find ourselves in burn out mode, even in the work that feeds our souls. This session will be highly experiential in which we will learn about compassion fatigue, explore the meanings of self care and experience mindfulness through guided imagery. The goal is to identify methods to develop resilience and to serve our spiritual purposes from a place of self-care instead of fatigue.
October 13, 2019 from 2:00 until 5:00
“The Sacred Body: Returning to our Original Unity and Divine Essence” with Renee Jennings
Our bodies are not only made of the same elements as the Earth, but the body is a conduit for the sacred energy of the Earth. In this session, we will engage in the experiential process of coming home to the temple of the body. Integrating somatic, psychological, meditation, energy and shamanic practices, we will enter into deep communion with the body, surrender and relax into right relationship with the sacred Earth, and allow our consciousness to be awakened and expanded.
November 10, 2019 from 2:00 until 5:00
“Learning to Thrive and Awaken” with Doug Moore.
Doug J. Moore, Ph.D. is a Psychologist, Life Coach and Spiritual Director who will teach us six steps to shift from surviving to thriving and six steps from thriving to awakening. Learn some of the tools to transform the ego and experience our underlying true nature. Life’s ups and downs are opportunities for us to learn to be grounded, develop wisdom and expand our capacity to love. This is a journey of self-discovery and conscious awakening.
Jane Pernotto Ehrman, MEd, ACHT
Jane, owner of Images of Wellness, LLC, is a mind/body medicine specialist in Cleveland, Ohio, where she maintains a private practice. Her focus is to help clients transform their health and life challenges into opportunities for healing and personal growth. She works with adults and children on a variety of issues, including: High-risk pregnancy, chronic disease treatment and recovery issues, lifestyle behavior change, pain management, performance anxiety related to academics, performing arts and athletics; stress-related illness and conditions (headaches, irritable bowel, insomnia), and preparation for surgery.
Jane has been a national speaker, for over 25 years, on a variety of topics related to health and wellness, including: Peak performance, prevention and recovery from compassion fatigue and burnout and developing resilience. She presents to healthcare professionals, educators, first responders, and others in the helping professions.
Besides her private work, Jane is the Lead Behavioral Health Specialist at the Cleveland Clinic’s department of Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine, in the Wellness Institute. She develops and implements the behavioral and stress management sections of lifestyle wellness shared medical appointments for people with chronic and lifestyle-related diseases. As an intrinsic wellness coach, Jane helps clients identify and address the challenges that come with making lasting healthy lifestyle changes.
She has a Master of Education from Pennsylvania State University, with an emphasis on mind/body medicine and an undergraduate degree in health education from Youngstown State University. She completed post-graduate course work at the Harvard Mind/Body Medical Institute in Boston, MA, and the Academy for Guided Imagery in Malibu, CA. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist, an advance practice clinical Hypnotherapist, trained in Heart-Centered Hypnotherapy and certified in Interactive Guided Imagery™.
Jane’s own experience with breast cancer, over 30 years ago, profoundly shaped her view of life and health in positive and powerful ways. She candidly shares her insights with high energy, compassion and humor. She resides in Cleveland, Ohio with her husband Jim. They have three grown children, Sarah, James and Mark and two grandsons. Jane loves walking, hiking and considers dark chocolate an attitude-enhancer.
Jane has a variety of guided meditation audio programs for health and healing available in a streaming audio library on her website,, also through iTunes, CD Baby and Amazon.
Renee Jennings
Renee is an integrative, somatic and transpersonal therapist, energy healer, facilitator, teacher, and spiritual guide. Her approach to individual, collective, and planetary transformation weaves together the geographies of the physical body, the knowings and longings of the heart, and the multiple dimensions of Spirit.
With nearly three decades of training and experience in the healing and spiritual arts, Renee’s work bridges leading-edge, evidence-based psychological modalities with well-grounded mystical and shamanic practices. Renee teaches and works locally in Pittsburgh, provides trainings and retreats nationally, and works online with clients internationally. She is faculty at The Gestalt Institute of Cleveland where she teaches in the Gestalt Training Program and the advanced track, Working With Physical Process. Renee is also visiting faculty at The Esalen Institute, where she trains other therapists and healers to work with the body and Source energy.
About ten years ago, Renee developed ‘Sensing and Repatterning’, a process for transforming trauma and limiting beliefs that integrates Gestalt somatic therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Energy Psychology, and mysticism. A Gestalt and psychologically-based version of this approach can be found in the forthcoming book (published by Routledge),The Embodied Relational Field.
Renee’s life and work are guided and informed by her meditation and spiritual practices that emerged during an awakening while she in seminary in the 90s. She has gratefully trained and studied with skilled and gifted teachers and healers and continues to explore the synergies and multidimensional mysteries of the body, spirit, and mind. Renee enjoys long hikes with her dog, spending time with friends, laughter, meaningful and heartfelt conversation, mountain biking, martial arts, and finding Beauty and Magic in the apparent ordinariness of life. Renee is an initiate and student in the Sufi lineage of Pir-O-Murshid Inayat Khan, training with Murshida Sarah Weiss and SpiritHeal Institute. Please visit for more information, blog posts, and upcoming events.
Doug J Moore, Ph.D.
Doug is a psychologist providing online life coaching and spiritual direction/teaching. He specializes in helping others recognize and transform their reactive habits and learn to thrive and awaken.
Doug uses the wisdom of the Enneagram as a way of helping people understand their personalities more deeply. In addition, he weaves in many tools such as mindfulness, meditation, and compassionate curiosity to name a few. Doug has been practicing meditation for 45 years and is a witness of the profound effect it has in calming reactivity, and giving people choices in how to communicate with others in more compassionate ways. He is a strong advocate of balanced living as evidenced in his own passion for playing the piano and flugelhorn, hiking, canoeing, and connecting with family and friends.
Doug has a strong desire for others to experience living in a grounded, clear-minded and openhearted way. He teaches a variety of classes on these subjects and has an ongoing spiritual study group called, Deepening Presence®. He works online with individuals, couples and groups. For more information check All the work will soon appear in a new website,, that will allow you to join a community centered in personal development and conscious awakening.
Come to one, two or all three events.
One event: $30.00
Two events: $55.00
Three events: $80.00
Register and pay by clicking HERE. Register and Pay