There is no need for temples … Our own brain, our own heart is our temple.
—H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama
Today the temple went to the post office.
Of course it wore its mask. There,
it met several other temples, also masked,
some of them in a hurry as temples sometimes are.
The temples joked with each other
about haircuts and lost keys and ripped old shirts.
All day—while working on the computer,
while making macaroni and cheese,
while taking out the cat litter and feeding the fish—
the temple managed to forget its own temple-ness
and the temple-ness of others
until finally, while weeding milk thistle in the garden,
a bell did not ring and a clarity came—
a brief brush with infinity that lasted a millionth of a second,
and there between the beets and the sunflowers,
was a moment when the temple was temple.
How quickly a thought comes in. Even now the temple
wrestles with its own metaphor, tries to discern its mystery
by disassembling itself into piles of knowable parts—
bricks of meaning, tiles of purpose—that, huh,
somehow, when dissected, don’t resemble a temple at all.

Irish-language version of FLEETING
Níl aon ghá le teampaill . . . Ár n-inchinn féin, ár gcroí féin, sin is teampall ann.
A Naofacht, an 14ú Dalaí Láma
Ghabh an teampall go dtí oifig an phoist inniu.
Chaith sé masc ar ndóigh. Is ann a bhuail sé
le scata teampall eile, masc orthu san chomh maith,
cuid acu agus deabhadh orthu mar a bhíonn uaireanta ar theampaill.
Bhíodar ag magadh eatarthu féin
faoi bhearrthaí gruaige, eochracha caillte is seanléinte stróicthe.
An lá ar fad – ag obair ar an ríomhaire,
macarón cáise á dhéanamh,
an easair chait á cur amach is na héisc á mbeathú,
d’éirigh leis an teampall a theampallachas féin a dhearmad
agus teampallachas na dteampall eile
go dtí faoi dheireadh, agus lusanna bleachta á nglanadh sa ghairdín,
níor bhuail clog agus tháinig léire –
cuimilt bheag leis an tsíoraíocht a mhair an milliúnú cuid de shoicind,
agus ansin idir na biatais agus na lusanna gréine,
bhí nóiméad ann nuair ba theampall é an teampall.
Nach gasta mar a thagann smaoineamh isteach. Anois féin tá an teampall
i ngleic lena mheafar féin, ag iarraidh an mhistéir a réiteach
é féin a dhíchóimeáil ina charn de chodanna is féidir eolas a chur orthu –
Brící brí, tíleanna cuspóra – agus, huth, nuair a dhéantar scagadh orthu,
nach bhféachann siad ar nós teampaill in aon chor, ar chuma éigin.
Gabriel, thank you! This is such an honor–I am so grateful you translated it! I would so love to hear it aloud. Wishing you grace,