The nature of heaven has been described in near-death experiences, dreams, and by countless psychics, channelers, mediums, and intuitives. We’ve learned about it from extraordinary people who visited heaven, as Emanuel Swedenborg did over 250 years ago. But no one has provided the rest of us a way of visiting this realm. Imagine if we could do so to meet with loved ones, learn about heaven’s purpose, and access insights critical to healing problems on Earth?
The mystics taught that imagination can be an organ of perception. Christian mystics describe spontaneous visions infused with mystical significance, dream revelations are recounted in sacred literature, shamans welcome possession by other-worldly visions, and the indigenous vision quest specifically seeks the medicine of visions.
Accessing imagination’s potential for moving between worlds led me to explore three overlapping tools familiar to both mystics and therapists. I began with mystical consciousness, a practice described in my book Finding Heaven Here that dissolves our constant overlay of thoughts, beliefs, and emotions to open a mystical portal to the beyond. Next, I borrowed Carl Jung’s active imagination exercise to enter this open space by visualizing a conversation with a loved one in spontaneous reverie. Finally, Ira Progoff’s dialogue process taught in his intensive journal workshops demonstrated how easily an imaginary conversation can lead to profoundly important communications. Merging these three creative resources can produce some extraordinary experiences.

Helping Across the Veil
In my experience, the deceased want to heal painful relationships, help us deal with our problems on Earth, and receive help with their own afterlife struggles.
The deceased also want to help solve humanity’s huge problems and inspire our collective spiritual evolution. Until now, humanity’s activism has almost entirely involved the resources of this world, not the next. Learning to communicate with those who have crossed over, we discover amazing new opportunities for sharing wisdom, resources, and creating new solutions. We are never lonely or lost when we bring loved ones back into our lives. Every day can be rich in teaching, sharing, and loving.

The Practice of Mystical Active Imagination
Here are some guidelines for employing Mystical Active Imagination to communicate with departed loved ones and visit Heaven.
Find a quiet space, one that won’t be interrupted. Relax and quiet your mind. Begin by suspending disbelief. Don’t the inner critic undermine your experience. Be patient and open to surprises, for there will be many, then allow your imagination to flow spontaneously without censorship, judgment, or skepticism. You can’t figure this out, instead just let it happen. Write down the experience as it occurs. Writing engages the left logical hemisphere of the brain so the right “mystical” hemisphere can receive the inflow from the other side. Writing also keeps you centered and focused, and prevents the exchange from going too fast.
Begin by selecting someone you loved or knew well. Think about them for a few moments. Ask yourself why you want to talk with them. What was their life on Earth like and how did it affect yours? Try to picture them clearly in your imagination. With free association, imagine their clothes, posture, and facial expression. Notice their surroundings, including the landscape, flora, colors, people, buildings, sky, temperature, weather. It’s all important to fully enter their world. Use your free association and imagination liberally to create a fascinating place and understand that what you create is being unconsciously influenced by the other side. Again, don’t try to figure this out.
Greet your chosen person and say why you want to talk with them and how you feel reaching out. Ask them if they’d be willing to talk with you. To get the conversation started, spontaneously imagine the other’s expression, mood, and response. In other words, imagine them responding with their typical words and facial expressions, then let the conversation unfold from there. Be sure to respect the dialogue process by letting each person speak in turn. From there, the conversation usually takes off on its own. Once the conversation gets going, you might also ask simple questions about where they live, what they’ve been doing, what heaven is like, or who they’ve seen lately. If the other person does not what to talk, ask them why. If they refuse to discuss it, say how that feels to you and see if that changes their response. If not, accept their response.
As the relationship develops, bring up the emotional issues you still carry, honestly and without blame. Talk, listens, express your feelings and trust the process to work here in ways it could never work on Earth. The healing is will breakthrough in profound and unexpected ways. Let it happen understanding that it may continue over many meetings. But you will be rebuilding your love and forgiveness that was lost and finding new resolutions that will liberate you from pain.
It’s my understanding that what happens in heaven will also affect you and the earth in ways that evolve over time. You are bringing Heaven to Earth, filling Earth with Heaven, and progressively changing the world. Understand that the work you do in your own life you do for everyone, and that changes happen more slowly in the dense human world than in Heaven.

Potential and Implications
The process of Mystical Active Imagination can be used to renew and heal relationships with deceased loved ones, talk to ancestors, and communicate with historical wisdom figures, spirit guides, angels, even the divine presence. You can also develop dialogue relationships with plants, animals, or other life forms here on Earth to ask for their guidance in restoring the health and balance of nature. The possibilities are endless. The practice of Mystical Active Imagination can soon become an easy and always available resource for your relationships, work, and life.
Visits to Heaven become increasingly available as you learn to raise your vibration to the spiritual energy of Heaven, transfiguring your imagination. The experience is both breathtaking and enlightening. Working across the veil, we learn spiritual lessons applicable here on Earth, acquiring new information and tools for addressing climate disruption, poverty, political violence, human evolution, and the needs of other life forms. As you will discover, opening the door to Heaven is also a huge gift to humanity.
One fiat: Don’t overdo the practice. Mystical Active Imagination works best when you are fresh, relaxed, and ready; it can grow stale when used compulsively. The practice needs to feel alive and the images spontaneous for it to work.
Being immersed in the mystical consciousness suffusing Heaven not only shows you the true nature of things, it accelerates your spiritual growth on Earth. Your enlightenment quickens, your joy expands, and you become a real resource to humanity’s evolution.
Reach out to someone you miss. I talk things over with my father, mother, son, and old friends when I feel the need or just want to know more about what they’re doing. Loving relationships don’t have to end with death.
Broken Bonds
Profound mutual love brings us
into the unity of being, for
being is one
and love is God.
While our bonds appear
to tear or rupture in death,
it is illusion.
Loving the one you lost
restores your relationship
along with its divine essence.
Continue loving.
Frequently,I call upon my mentors and loved ones on the other side of the veil to return
to help us during this important shift in our planet’s evolutionary journey. I forget to
make this practice more of a dialog. It’s time to listen more closely. Thanks for that