I See You
He nudged my arm, and there he was, in his whole human body – that’s how the dead come to us, sometimes.
Read MorePosted by Laura Lentz | Jun 6, 2024 | Editor's Picks, Featured, Mysticism |
He nudged my arm, and there he was, in his whole human body – that’s how the dead come to us, sometimes.
Read MorePosted by Nancy London | Apr 5, 2024 | Editor's Picks, Featured, Mysticism |
There was nothing inside but darkness. That’s it? This is the gift?
Read MorePosted by John C. Robinson | Jan 25, 2024 | Featured, Mysticism |
Those who awaken from the ego-driven, patriarchal dream of reality discover who and where they really are—divine beings in a divine world
Read MorePosted by Perdita Finn | Oct 5, 2023 | Ancestors, Editor's Picks, Featured, Mysticism |
As always when I have a spiritual question, I headed outside and got my hands in the dirt. It is always for me the growing things that hold the simplest and most important answers. How would they answer this question? What did they know about collaborating with the underworld?
Read MorePosted by Alfred K. LaMotte | Jul 24, 2023 | Editor's Picks, Featured, Mysticism |
A lump of soil is the wealth of nations. A fresh wild mushroom is the feast of kings. If we identify with anybody, it’s the broken people, the wounded ones, the minds that have come a little unglued. Because they see everything from the vale of loss that cradles the mountain of wonder.
Read MoreThe Braided Way is a framework to see every faith tradition as a strand, braided into a larger whole of spiritual awareness. In the Braided Way, combining spiritual practice from various faiths allow us to explore sacred experience and wonder in forms that resonate with our personal spiritual needs and sacred intuitions. In today’s culture, many people shun religious dogma, but yearn for spiritual connection. The Braided Way allows the ceremonies and practices of multiple faiths to be available without the confinements of cultural dogma.