The Uses Of Water
My first AA job forty years ago was to make coffee, hauling plastic pitchers of water to the...
Read MorePosted by Kitty Yanson | Nov 15, 2022 | Editor's Picks, Featured, Healing |
My first AA job forty years ago was to make coffee, hauling plastic pitchers of water to the...
Read MorePosted by Janice Falls | Oct 17, 2022 | Featured, Healing |
Poetry has gracefully braided two important aspects of my work as a psychotherapist – mindfulness and grief. There is a presence in poems that invites us to pay attention, to stop, breathe, focus. It is there that we can be mindful of the life we are living,
Read MorePosted by Nolo Segundo | Jul 18, 2022 | Featured, Healing |
What I’m about to relate will be believed by some, disbelieved by others, and the rest will probably just shrug their shoulders and give it no more thought. Yet is there really any question more important than the possibility of life after death? That you, your character, personality, memories– your consciousness will continue, not for years or decades but forever. We are the only species out of millions to have a sense of mortality—then too, it’s thought we are the only transcendent species as well. And I think they are related, because what I was ‘shown’ (the best if rather feeble word I can come up with) is that I am two beings, sharing the same space or life as it were for a time: the one mortal, the other immortal, existing without beginning or end, beyond time itself. The mortal one we all can see, the other one is trickier
Read MorePosted by Nancy Huggett | May 16, 2022 | Featured, Healing |
We—my family and I—have been on our church’s prayer list for more than five years now. A prayer...
Read MorePosted by Philip Shepherd | Jan 17, 2022 | Featured, Healing |
The spaciousness of your being is like the space within a bell – it is what enables you to attune to the world. Such attunement is very different from sitting in your head and noticing the world ‘out there’. Attunement enables the world to be also felt ‘in here’ – in the empty resonance of your being.
Read MoreThe Braided Way is a framework to see every faith tradition as a strand, braided into a larger whole of spiritual awareness. In the Braided Way, combining spiritual practice from various faiths allow us to explore sacred experience and wonder in forms that resonate with our personal spiritual needs and sacred intuitions. In today’s culture, many people shun religious dogma, but yearn for spiritual connection. The Braided Way allows the ceremonies and practices of multiple faiths to be available without the confinements of cultural dogma.