“Someone asked me, “Are you a Christian, a Hindu, or a Buddhist? I can’t tell which.”

I answered, “Neither can I!”

“You must be confused,” he said.

“Blessed are you when you are confused, for then the mind must descend into the heart.”

“But what is your religion?”he asked.

“Listen, friend. I was a born-again Christian, a twice-born Hindu, and an un-born Buddhist. Then the Goddess hugged me to her bosom of unfathomable silence, and suckled me on the mere sweet milk of breathing.

“Un-created fire gushed up my spine, poured through the wound in my heart, and fountained out my empty crown. These eyes became black holes at the center of twin galaxies whose blinding light has not yet reached this world.

“Now I am just a finger writing on trembling waters: Impermanence is the soul of Beauty.”