Beginning in the first moments
after the Sufi poet Rumi was born
pieces of him over time, began
dissolving into all the elements of earth
like sugar in water, and to this very day
he is with us still, we breathe his breath
in the air, we taste his words
in food grown from our good earth
we find the essence of his verses
floating like seeds of light
locked inside the molecules from his
body and being in the very water we drink
his verses when spoken out loud
are an invocation to the Holy Spirit
they ripen us like wheat
for a harvest of the heart
his words are written inside the chambers of our
hearts like a holy sacrament, he who searched for
God the beloved, or Allah if you wish, in church
and shrine and mosque, to find him finally
tucked inside the pocket of his own heart
can we as Christian, Jew, or Muslim, or any faith
do any less, to bring an everlasting
peace unto the world, to be as one.

Wonder-full, Ron. Thank you!