Here is a simple exercise in individual sacred activism. It only takes a few minutes. It can change you and your world.
Find a quiet space unlikely to be interrupted.
Have no expectations, plans or goals.
Stop thinking, heighten awareness, and move into pure sensory awareness; stay.
Do nothing; be patient and quiet; simply experience the present; let time disappear.
Sense the sacred mystery of this timeless present; just notice.
Feel your physical being; move your body slowly and consciously, sense your body; watch your movement; come alive.
Go inward, descending go inside into the inner depths of your being and open a channel of love, joy, amazement; let it rise and spread through your body/mind; feel its nature.
Feel your being becoming divine, lived and powered by divinity as you.
Send ripples of love, hope and healing through Reality, as if you’re under water making waves that spread everywhere; continue as long as it feels powerful; care for the world.
Learn to live consciously in this living, flowing, thought-free joy/love medium; stay present to it as your own true being nature.
If you feel like it, let “doing” happen naturally from this deep immersion in divine being, and imagine everything you do affecting the whole world, rippling through reality, affecting all; if you talk, talk consciously to stay in this divine Flow.
Let this process change your relationship with reality – you are affecting Reality now by the way you experience and live in it.
Stay in the divine flow, be a loving person.
Don’t worry about the efficacy of this process (questions sabotage it); just be it.
When you lose the Flow of Soul (and everyone does), return to the top and start over.
John’s newest book shows us how we hold the power to change the world, right where we are.